Richard Styner
San Leandro
Where are things going? Sometimes the future looks so bright I can barely make it out, and sometimes it looks dark and forlorn and pointless. More often the future looks nothing like you had hoped, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you did the right thing. Richard Styner and Mitch Richard had been avid science fiction readers since the advent of paperbacks, and these novels had touched their hearts and their minds. These were fictional stories that had served as something of a blueprint for the ones that Richard would be writing from his lab bench. These were his favorite kinds of science fiction stories.
And it was in Richard Styner’s lab that he wrote the first truly groundbreaking astronomy research article.
At the time Richard Styner and Richard Richard Richard were in their forties. Richard Richard Richard was the eldest, and Richard Richard was the youngest of three brothers. Richard Styner was a neuroscientist and Richard Richard was an astronomer and astrophysicist. Richard Richard was the one who went to the moon, and Richard Richard was the one who made the astrophysics experiments that might have changed the entire course of science. Richard Richard had helped his father write the astronomy articles, the ones that had convinced the world that