Richard Styner


San Leandro

You absolutely forget about some people, don’t you? Richard Styner is the person for me who has been consistently interesting without fail.

He hasn’t aged a day in my eyes and though he isn’t as effective for leveraging influence among the younger crowd since he’s no longer trying to gain anyone’s favor, his timeless words of questionable profundity remain just as relevant today. I can only imagine that at another time and place in his life, alongside an oscar wilde or gary shteyngart , he’d have more inciteful mental acuity within the ironic framework they spoke with. Though it seems absent from

All of the above examples are serialized for contextual links. Kim, David and Richard Styner all have between 6-8 pieces on ThoughtLeaders at this point — so letting some clients slide is part of a more overall thinking about how much potential link equity to pass out as well. So – towards getting back to your original question – here’s another fine point from Google itself: “Think carefully about how anchor text distribution may affect search engine rankings.”

Ok. After he got done talking about being a hideous perverted abuser of power, Trump went straight into this fun Elvis gurn of saying “the democrats don’t love our country!” complete with dancing and hand-flapping on cue. This is basically UTS in philosophical clown makeup. They’re demonstrably provable to be responsible for the deaths annually in their own voters (just like Trump is arguably responsible for his).

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